Your Digital Partner for Custom Solutions in the Antalya Software Industry: Bidy Software

Your Digital Partner for Custom Solutions in the Antalya Software Industry: Bidy Software

The software industry in Antalya has experienced rapid growth, especially in recent years. The city is home to many software companies, most of which focus on the tourism and service sectors. Additionally, universities in Antalya offer software education.

Among the software companies in Antalya, there are those that specialize in web and mobile application development, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity. Some of these companies are among the leading firms in Turkey.

The growth of the software industry in Antalya can be attributed not only to the presence of universities but also to the city’s tourism potential. The tourism sector has accelerated the digital transformation of many businesses in Antalya, creating opportunities for software companies.

For example, there are many software companies located in Antalya Technopolis, and many of these companies serve domestic and international clients. With increasing interest and investments in the software sector in Antalya, both employment and technological development in the sector are rapidly increasing.

In conclusion, the software industry in Antalya is rapidly developing and holds great potential for the future.

Bidy Software: Ready to Make a Mark in the Digital World of Antalya with Custom Software Solutions!

Founded in Antalya in 2020 with the aim of achieving high customer satisfaction, Bidy Software produces custom software solutions that can make a mark in the digital world, primarily in Antalya and throughout Turkey, across various sectors.

With a focus on customer satisfaction and technical competence, Bidy Software aims to be your digital solution partner with its custom software solutions.

Understanding well that the road to success in Antalya’s software industry passes through the following steps, Bidy Software offers brand new custom software solutions tailored to customer needs instead of ready-made software clichés, ensuring precise and high performance.

Happy customers

Happy staff

Happy brand

Bidy Software Antalya Custom Software Solutions

With completely custom solutions developed anew according to demand and need, Bidy Software, a young and dynamic initiative based in Antalya, ensures that all systems are ready to offer package programs created from scratch exclusively for you within the boundaries of Antalya!

Key points that distinguish Bidy in Antalya’s software industry with custom software solutions:

Projects delivered on time.

High-performance software.

Experienced and dedicated team.

Solid strategy tailored to demand and need.

Enduring plans that surpass competitors.

Get a quote now: Bidy Software Custom Software Solutions

Bidy Software Antalya Mobile Application Development Service

Bid farewell to outdated ideas produced by outdated Antalya software companies! Bidy Software continues to make a difference with its mobile application development service in the Antalya software world.

Competencies in mobile application development compatible with all operating systems are as follows:

Native application



Hybrid application


React Native

Get a quote now: Bidy Software Mobile Application Development

Bidy Software Antalya UI & UX Design Service

With UI and UX design service, which we can define as user experience design, Bidy Software offers solutions that enhance the quality of user experience.

Advantages you will gain by purchasing UI & UX design service:

High-quality visual & user-friendly interface design.

Functional solutions tailored to user needs.

Design formulas that enhance brand reputation & customer loyalty.

Get a quote now: Bidy Software UI & UX Design

Bidy Software Antalya Software Maintenance Agreements

Are you ready to lay a solid foundation in the two basic arms of digital existence, such as a website and mobile application, in the Antalya software world? Prepare to take your place in the Antalya software world with software maintenance & support contracts backed by Bidy Software assurance!

With software maintenance agreements, you will naturally gain the following advantages for your institution or brand:

Brand-specific formulas that improve software quality.

Instant solutions for technical problems with the website and all hardware.

Regular updates and system monitoring.

Corrective maintenance that increases usability.

Software solutions compatible with other technologies.

Security measures that patch vulnerabilities.

Get a quote now: Bidy Software Software Maintenance Agreements

If You’re a Local Brand in Antalya, the Secret to Rising to the Top in E-Commerce Competition Is: Custom Software Solutions

Regarding the importance of custom software in commerce, custom software solutions help manage commercial transactions efficiently and reliably. Custom software enables fast and accurate execution of commercial transactions and yields measurable results. Custom software ensures effective management of commercial transactions and prevents errors that may occur during any process.

Software plays an important role for brands in today’s business world. There are several factors that brands need to consider regarding software:

Stable Growth & Efficiency

Software enables the automation of many business processes. As a result, brands reduce errors in business processes, save time, and become more efficient.

Regular & Detailed Data Analysis

Software helps brands analyze and process data related to their customers. As a result, brands better understand their customers’ behaviors and needs and can offer them personalized services.

Happy Customer Experience

Software helps brands interact with their customers more effectively. As a result, brands provide a better experience to their customers and increase brand loyalty.

Security & Protection

Software ensures the security of brands’ data. As a result, brands protect their customers’ and business processes’ information, increasing their reliability.

Dominant Competition

Software helps brands increase their competitiveness against their competitors. As a result, brands operate faster, more effectively, and more efficiently and stay one step ahead of their competitors.

In conclusion, software is an important tool that helps brands automate their business processes, improve customer experiences, analyze data, and increase their competitiveness. Therefore, it is important for brands to make strategic investments in software and stay up-to-date in this field.

Antalya’s Local Brand in the Silicon Valley of Software: Technopolis!

Antalya Technopolis is a structure that supports the development, commercialization, and market launch of technological products and services with the aim of becoming a world-class technology center. Companies within Technopolis increase their competitive power by offering products and services with technological innovations.

There are many software companies within Antalya Technopolis. These companies operate in areas such as software development, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and mobile application development. Technopolis also supports R&D studies and innovation projects.

Antalya Technopolis provides the infrastructure necessary for technology development, supports the implementation of R&D projects and the

commercialization of technological products and services. In addition, companies within Technopolis are provided with business development, marketing, consulting, and training services.

Antalya Technopolis aims to promote technology transfer and innovation culture by collaborating with universities and research institutions. Thus, technological products and services developed within Antalya Technopolis contribute to the economic development of the region by being used in industry and businesses.

In conclusion, Antalya Technopolis aims to accelerate technological development and economic development by providing many opportunities and support to companies operating in software and technology in Antalya.”